What We Believe
In the 4th Century, St. Augustine of Hippo stated, "In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity." We aim to live by this same statement. CalChurch is a place to learn more about Jesus and explore faith, which attracts various beliefs. We hold on to the essentials and encourage our church to explore the rest. You can just read on to discover what we believe and who we genuinely strive to be.
We believe in One God that is eternal and that he revealed himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We respond to His immense love for humanity with love, devotion, and obedience to Him.
Jesus is the heartbeat of all we do. He is the most extraordinary human to walk the Earth. We are called to tell His Story, and we believe it is the greatest story ever told.
All people are God-made, which means they are God-valued.
We believe that sin has separated each of us from God and his purpose for our lives. But God, in His unfailing love for humanity, gave us salvation, the forgiveness of our sins, and reconciliation to God, by grace through faith in Jesus.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is accurate, authoritative, and applicable to our everyday lives
We believe God died for all people. We see His Kingdom as a diverse people with many differences coming together for one God. We embrace the diversity of our church and desire to be a home for all.
We believe that each person will exist eternally. Whether we spend eternity with God or separated from him is determined by our response to the grace and salvation of Jesus.
We believe The Church has a local and global mission. We believe in meeting physical and spiritual needs in our efforts to reach people.
Our call is to support ministries around the world spreading the message of Jesus and faith-based, non-profits in our local community. We believe this is part of God’s commission to His Church