Frequently Asked Question About Cal Church
Yes. The church believes in the core principles of Christianity that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on a cross to atone for our sins so we can be forgiven (get a fresh start with God) and that He rose from the dead proving His identity and power. The message of the church is positive, filled with hope and is aligned with Biblical teaching. We are a non-denominational church aiming to “keep the main thing, the main thing.”
The church is known regionally as one of the most compassionate in the area. CalChurch always fields the largest number of volunteers for the annual community toy give-away for under-resourced families at Christmas. Volunteers from the church have regularly cooked meals for and served the homeless. CalChurch excels in her spirit of compassion. The church paid for one of the rooms in the Trebeck Center where the homeless can reside, while getting skills and jobs training. One year the people of CalChurch packaged and sent over 100,000 meals for the destitute in Haiti. They repeated that for the famine-starved in Ethiopia. Another time, the church bought all the computers for a computer lab for a struggling elementary school. Regularly there are food drives, clothing drives and the church is an original partner with Hope The Mission–the largest ministry serving homeless families in the San Fernando Valley.
Kris previously attended the church where Pastor Brad once served. After hearing about the events in his life, she reached out and told him she would offer help, if he decided to re-enter ministry and start a church focused on redemption, second-chances and the belief that people can have a fresh start with God. For the first year, Kris generously paid the rent for the theater space where the congregation met and also paid Pastor Brad’s salary. Kris is a member of the church. She has not served on the leadership Board of the church, nor does she desire to.
Pastor Brad candidly, authentically and frequently uses elements of his past failures in life to demonstrate the work God can do to redeem a fallen person. With the belief that “God never wastes a hurt,” Brad’s story encourages and assures people who struggle that everyone can have a fresh start with God through Christ.
The church exists through the faithful contributions of regular people. There is absolutely no mandatory fee or amount required from anyone who is part of the church. We genuinely don’t know where that rumor originated, but no one in our church is required to give. We are an outreach-focused church. Therefore, we deeply care about people visiting and experiencing a welcoming environment. A membership fee would make no sense to our mission. All donations are voluntary. Further, an outside accounting firm oversees all expenditures, and the church fully meets all the high standards for a California religious non-profit (501c3)